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Nordhordland Hundeklubb 16.06.2024

Klasse: Voksen
Dommer: Kimmo Mustonen
Fordeling: 6/4

BIR, 1BTK, 1JKK, Excellent, CK, Cert Bit of Honey Mano Gentis ♀
Eier: Nina Mehandru Kallekleiv
2BTK, 1CHKK, Excellent, CK N UCH Lekkerbisken's On the Catwalk ♀
Eier: Frøydis Monsen
3BTK, 1AKK, Excellent, CK Eternal Evita Blue Skies ♀
Eier: Kristina Ravnanger
1UKK, Very Good Lekkerbisken's Pixie Dust ♀
Eier: Kristina Ravnanger
BIM, 1BHK, 1AKK, Excellent, CK N UCH Minitrix Black and White Guy ♂
Eier: Pernille Ramsøy Dalland
2BHK, 1CHKK, Excellent, CK N UCH Cubana Stars Fight on Felix ♂
Eier: Tonny og Christine Hovland
3BHK, 1VET, Excellent CK, BIR Veteran, BIS 3 Veteran NORD UCH C.I.B.-V KBHVV-22 NVet CH NVV-23 NORDVV-23 NJUBVV Knerten Knerten ♂
Eier: Lene-Katrin Rasmussen
4BHK, 1JKK, Excellent CK, Cert, Jun Cert Lekkerbisken's Rebel Heart ♂
Eier: Tonny og Christine Hovland
2JKK, Very Good lekkerbisken's River Phoenix ♂
Eier: May-Britt Holvik
1UKK, Excellent, CK Cubana Stars Genius Gizmo ♂
Eier: Tonny og Christine Hovland


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